Kicks That Aren’t A Good Look At The Club

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The new year is only a few hours away, and as concerned bloggers, we know some people will be out of line with their kicks to ring in the ’09. If you’re going to be at a field party or camping out in the woods, you probably won’t be rocking some fly kicks, but if you’re going out to the club or to another special occasion, there are some things you need to take into consideration. You gotta keep the outfit fresh, but you also have to be prepared for spills, barfs, toe-stepping, and other kicks disasters.

We’ve put together a short list of some kicks that you avoid when you get ready to hit the nightlife.

Take a look at what we got after the jump.


Beaters are always great when you need to mow the lawn or go on a hike, but need I say more? Not a good look at the club. Not ever.

Workwear Boots

Workwear Boots are a street staple, but definitely not the right look for the club. Unless you’re goin to a concert or jumping someone for their wallet, leave the steel-toes and Timbs at home. A lot of clubs have this rule anyways, so be safe and don’t be that person that gets turned away after waiting in line for 45 minutes.

White on Whites

Especially on New Year’s Eve when spills are guaranteed, we recommend against wearing White on Whites because they’ll just get dirty and scuffed up. While we’re on that note, I’d like to make a public service announcement. People – PLEASE stop wearing dusty and dingy white-on-white kicks at the club. It makes that tight, sparkly v-neck look even worse.

Special Materials Susceptible to Spillage

You could be in the VIP wildin’ out, but there’s always that 0.0000000001% chance that something will spill on your special edition felt/suede/pony hair joints. You don’t want your limiteds looking like Cameron Diaz’s hair in There’s Something About Mary, so keep those on the shelf at all costs.

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