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Sustainability and sneakers must co-exist. Both in the present and the future, they need one another. Sneakers produced without an eco-conscious thoughtfulness is now ethically irresponsible. There are far too many resources available for companies to sharply cut this corner.

Nike’s industry-shifting Flyleather material is a leap towards a sustainable future in sneakers. It is made with at least 50% recycled natural fiber leather. This helps lessen the carbon footprint deafening sneaker culture. Moreover, it cuts the water usage used to manufacture sneakers by a weighty amount.
Flyleather is also a quality material that won’t diminish the look and feel of your favorite silhouettes. Classics like the Air Force 1 and Air Jordan 1 will soon come in the budding fabrication almost exclusively, charting a course for sustainable icons in modern-day.

Good for more than just replicating your favorite leather-produced Nike and Jordan styles, Flyleather is built to enhance structural shaping, reduce density for lighter sneakers, and widen opportunities for intricate laser and print embellishments. Flyleather services sustainability and quality on the surface yet works internally to penetrate and subsequently reform critical subtleties.
In greater detail, Flyleather can bend to many feels. Anticipate a touch that can carry the feeling of full grain and smooth leather — even suede. Prints will appear much sharper and grander. Flyleather is filled with endless possibilities. It is, essentially, what Flyknit was years ago.